Vol. 11 No. 1 (2012)

Published: 2012-06-09

e-ISSN: 2805-7007
Finished: 2015
Language: Spanish 
Periodicity: Semi-annual
doi: https://doi.org/10.22490/issn.2539-1887

Citizen formation in Colombian higher eduaction context

Luis Alejandro Padilla Beltrán, José Eduardo Padilla Beltrán, Wilmer Hernando Silva Carreño

Analysis of the e-Learning context in the UNAD an insight from the technological, social and pedagogical fields

Clara Esperanza Bilbao, Lorena Marcela Velásquez, Diana Liceth Martínez, Alexander Fernández

Web Colombia Characterization

Arturo Eraso Torres, Sixto Enrique Campaña Bastidas