Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012)

Published: 2012-08-15

e-ISSN: 2805-7007
Finished: 2015
Language: Spanish 
Periodicity: Semi-annual
doi: https://doi.org/10.22490/issn.2539-1887

University teaching for the purpose of understanding reality: A sociocritical approach

José Eduardo Padilla Beltrán, Walter Aguirre Bernal, Wilmer Hernando Silva Carreño

Learning by doing in research as a learning strategy

María Cristina Gamboa Mora, Yenny García Sandoval

Critical Didactics: a pedagogic option for modern today’s university.

Martha Cecilia Andrade Calderón, Clarena Muñoz Dagua

Centers of knowledge management: The case of UNAD CEAD Arbelaez

Sonia Mayerly Castro Bedoya, Henry Leonel Mican Melo, Gladys Rodriguez Cuervo

A didactic proposal for content organization to teach genetics in distance higher education

Luz Mery Bernal Parra, Gustavo Forero Acosta, Rene Montero Vargas

Classroom projects Army and Police Academies: A school to think

Jairo Andrés Villalba Gómez, Betty Zarate Cohecha, Luis Orlando Ruiz Mendoza