e- ISSN: 2665-5489 Printed ISSN: 2665-5470
Editor: Nicolás Jiménez Iguarán
Start: 2019 (ROAD)
Periodicity: Semi-annual
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22490/issn.2665-5489
Email: revista.analisisjuridico@unad.edu.co
The Journal Análisis Jurídico – Político is a scientific publication of the School of Legal and Political Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), aimed at publishing articles resulting from original research in the area of political studies, government, international relations, human rights and alternative conflict resolution, its objective is the dissemination and visibility of the results of the research processes developed by its networks, groups and research groups.