Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016)

Published: 2016-01-04

e- ISSN: 2145-6453     ISSN impreso: 2145-6097
Started: 2009 (ROAD)
Language: Spanish
Periodicity: Biannual
doi: https://doi.org/10.22490/issn.2145-6453

Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental (RIAA) is an official publication of the Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences School (ECAPMA) of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) for the publication of original research in Agrarian, Environmental and related topics. Since its beginning in 2009, RIAA has been consolidated as a medium that motivates the support between researchers, through divulgation and knowledge transference. Its positioning has been shown thanks to its indexing in national and international databases and its compromise with the called “knowledge society”.

Full Issue

Editorial Vol. 7 Núm. 1 (2016)

Libia Esperanza Nieto, Reinaldo Giraldo Díaz
12 - 13

Erosividad de la lluvia en la región cafetera de Risaralda, Colombia

Luz Adriana Lince Salazar, Wadi Andrey Castaño Castaño, Andres Felipe Castro Quintero, Fabio Alexis Torres Angarita
37 - 45

Implementación de un sistema de fitorremediación en zona aledaña a reserva forestal protectora El Malmo, Boyacá, Colombia

Albaluz Ramos Franco, Jeffrey Mauricio Prieto Naranjo, Diana Milena Cárdenas Nieto, Magda Susana Bernal Sierra
93 - 103