Vol. 21 No. 40 (2023)

Published: 2023-05-01

e- ISSN: 2462-9448 Printed ISSN: 1794-2470
2003 (ROAD)

Pathophysiological mechanisms of dyslipidemia

Cristhián Jerez Fernández, Javiera Irribarren Bravo, Fernanda Diaz Urbina, Jovanka Kusanovic Blanco, Brayan Araya Zumaran
11 - 39

Effect of pigmenting drinks on direct posterior sector restorative materials

Cristian Camilo Morales-Lastre, Midian Clara Castillo-Pedraza, Jorge Homero Wilches-Visbal
95 - 105

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in hormones associated with muscle growth in colombian creole sheep

Paul Nicolás Sarmiento, Manuel Fernando Ariza, Yurany Teresa Ortiz, Susan Lorena Castro
57 - 74

The transgression of standard 0459 of comprehensive health care with a forensic approach

Mercedes Salcedo-Cifuentes, Margarita Bello-Alvarez, Christian Mendez, Carolina Quiroz, Amparo Bermudez
75 - 93

Identification of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in different kind of samples from patients diagnosed with high-grade lesions in the cervix. Pilot study in a Colombian population

Isabel Cristina Almonacid, Yenni Catherine García, Eduar Fernando Pinzón, Claudia Emilce Cifuentes, Carmen Cecilia Almonacid
181 - 194

VENTYLABDesign and development of a virtual learning environment in mechanical ventilation with teleoperated practice -VENTYLAB

Gloria Isabel Toro Córdoba, Fanny Constanza Gomez Villareal, Jose Isidro García Melo
195 - 213

Territorial governance for health in Medellin and community care in the face of COVID-19

Kathleen Chavarria-Guzmán, Eliana Martínez-Herrera, David Hernández-Carmona, Olga Lucía Ostos Ortiz Olga Lucía Ostos Ortiz
215 - 240

Perception of health programme students on the use of an augmented reality tool in anatomical practices

Luis Alejandro Torres, Cesar Corchuelo, Raquel Amalia Vélez, Juan Fernando Flórez
95 - 105

Contrast between a mathematical model and the bioreduction process of Cr(VI) by consortia of bacteria isolated from wastewater of the Pasto River

Jhonatan Pinta-Melo, Deisy Lorena Guerrero-Ceballos, Miller Cerón Gómez, Eduardo Ibargüen- Mondragón, Pablo Fernández-Izquierdo, Edith Mariela Burbano-Rosero
141 - 164