Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Psicología social

Published: 2020-08-06

e- ISSN: 2539-4150 Printed ISSN: 2027-5579
Start: 2010 (ROAD)
Language: Spanish
Periodicity: Semi-annual
doi: https://doi.org/10.22490/issn.2539-4150

Full Issue


Claudia Andrea Paredes Rosales
9 - 14

How to deal with impunity? Memory initiatives in the legal scene

Sergio Nicolás Velandia-Amaya, Christian Camilo Peñuela-Gallo
15 - 46

Family, culture and society Determining factors of human development

Lorena Cudris-Torres, Juan C. Bermúdez-Cuello, Adriana M. Rojas-Angarita, Mario R. Romero-Munive, Giselle Olivella-López
47 - 59

Voices of children and teenagers working at market places in Ibagué

Amparo Quintero Padilla, Jobana Agredo Morales, Laura Yamile Henao Morales
60 - 82

La telepsicología a Theoretical Perspective from Contemporary Psychology

Giselle Olivella-López, Lorena Cudris-Torres, Pedro Luis Medina-Pulido
95 - 112

Self-efficacy to maintain a good health, and reduce weight

Matar Khalil Shadye Roció, Melissa Judith Ortiz Barrero
113 - 137