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New cadastral management model in Colombia. Tool to generate new opportunities for economic growth

Artículo de Investigación
Fredy William Andrade Pérez Escuela Superior de Administración Pública-ESAP

Introduction: The objective of this document is to analyze the opportunities offered by the new institutional arrangement of cadastral management in Colombia, based on the multipurpose cadastre policy that was born with the signing of the peace agreements, specifically in the first point that refers to comprehensive rural reform. Methodology: An identification is made of the
benefits that this policy brings in terms of formalization of properties, updating of the territory, territorial planning and the opportunity for new businesses around cadastral management. The standardized and updated cadastral information generates tools for new opportunities for economic growth in the country. For the analysis, the existing situation in the country is verified
in terms of the identification of the territory, based on data provided by different sources of the national government, additionally, the previous institutional arrangement is identified, and the institutional change that is given to starting from the multipurpose cadastre policy. Results: the country’s economic growth opportunities, based on different variables, such as: property tax, generation of own resources of the municipalities, dependence on transfers from the municipalities and cadastral managers as new actors in cadastral management.