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Management level of emotional exhaustion of public servants providing care to women in crisis situations

Artículo de Investigación
Rosa del Carmen Sanchez Trinidad Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Raymundo Márquez Amaro Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Rocío del Carmen Castillo Méndez Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Samanta Sánchez Cruz Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Antonio Aguirre Andrade Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Wilber de Dios Domínguez Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
Adriana del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa

The objective of the research presented in this article is to analize the situation in the Women's Attention Directorates (DAM's) of the state of Tabasco, there is a great demand for the service to attend to cases of women in crisis situations, usually violated, to such an extent. degree that the work dynamics of the public servant is required in time and continuous daily service, sometimes, without rest or recess between one and another personal situation of each of the women who require the support service. The foregoing, coupled with the profile and personal skills of the public servant, generate a level of physical, mental and emotional wear and tear since not all staff have the professional profile for the function of emotional support towards women who have been violated. Therefore, a diagnosis was considered necessary to identify the level of attrition in this position and to be able to establish support strategies to strengthen personal skills and develop others, required by the functions, to improve the quality of life of public servants in each one of the DAM'S of the state of Tabasco.