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Associativity for management in “Campesina” Production Systems

Nelson Enrique Fonseca-Carreño Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Manuel Ricardo González Moreno Universidad de Cundinamarca
Carlos Arturo Narváez Benavides Universidad de Cundinamarca

Peasant production systems - SPC - are a fundamental component for the development of local economies through employment generation, gender inclusion, security and food sovereignty. The research evaluates the perceived benefit of agricultural producers through associativity in SPCs in the Province of Sumapaz, under strategic elements of competitiveness, through economic, social and productive indicators. The SPCs were selected from 80 farms distributed in the municipalities that make up the province. Additionally, characteristics such as: land tenure, sources of income, participation in associative groups and sources of financing were considered. Therefore, the degree of importance in assessing associativity is derived from adding the indicators: Productivity, Equity, Stability, Reliability, Adaptability, and Self-management. The results allowed to characterize 20 SPCs, evidencing the use of productive practices to generate an increase in the quantity, quality and frequency of the products and an increase in income, which they use to adapt infrastructure, purchase of technology, raw materials and inputs. Likewise, the degree of associativity of 5 prioritized SPCs was determined, within which 3 SPCs showed higher rates of 70%, giving rise to benefits to the community, which shows that production is not dependent on the use of external inputs, there is an increase in productivity per unit area, through the adoption and dissemination of technologies. In conclusion, there is a great advance regarding the acceptance of associativity among SPCs, their inclusion and integration demonstrate productive and commercial alternatives that are favorable to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the regional market.