Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)

Published: 2021-06-28

ISSN: 2619-4759 (En Línea)
Inicio: 2017 (ROAD)
Periodicidad: Semestral
Idioma: Español

Pilot study on physical chemical factors of milk in two farms in Caldas, Boyacá

Emily C. Acuña A., Saray L. Álvarez A., Liliana C. Muñoz M, Jeannette Navarrete O., Gladys Pinilla B.
11 - 26

Use of phage P22 as a therapeutic alternative in veterinary medicine for Salmonella spp in Colombia

Nathaly Riveros López, Andrea Priscila Alvarado Zúñiga, Mauricio Humberto Rodriguez Panduro
27 - 49

Giant viruses and their environmental impact

Jessica Paola Sarmiento Echeverria, Sara Torres Ramirez , Ruth Melida Sanchez Mora, Mauricio Humberto Rodriguez Panduro
51 - 81

The role of the intestinal microbiota

Martha Gómez J, Jennifer Sierra G
97 - 124

Foodborne protozoan parasites: ¿How are we in colombia?

Laura Tatiana Montañez Cristancho, Mauren Valentina Novoa Acosta, Ligia Consuelo Sánchez Leal, Carolina Ortiz Pineda
125 - 154