Guiding procedure for the safe handling of chemicals in a sole and template manufacturing company a polyurethane base from the city of Cali - Colombia
Contextualization: For the safe handling of chemical substances, weaknesses of the company under study were identified, in terms of management, use, storage and internal transportation of chemical substances.
Research gap: This method contributes as an input to the substance management knowledge in relation to possible poisoning by absorption and inhalation by workers..
Purpose: The main aim of this study was to design a procedure for the safe handling of chemical substances in a company that manufactures polyurethane-based soles and insoles, helping to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases on workers at the company under study, with a cross-sectional descriptive, observational and quantitative approach.
Methodology: It was carried out in a factory of soles and insoles based on polyurethane in Cali (Colombia) on 33 workers from the main production processes, with exposure to chemical substances. A survey was applied to identify the knowledge level of employees regarding to the substance management. A questionnaire was designed, based on Colombian regulations, applying the simplified method for chemical risk assessment of the French Institute - INRS.
Results and conclusions: The analysis according to the risk determination table, produced a critical result for six of the ten evaluated substances. Ten chemicals considered dangerous were identified and four of them were classified as group A2, suspected of causing cancer, being considered as toxic and harmful substances to health and environment. The absence of a procedure for the development of critical tasks such as filling tanks, painting and injection was evident, as well as the lack of an epidemiological surveillance program to monitor personnel with greater exposure. Finally, a guide procedure for the safe handling of chemical substances and an action plan for implementation were designed. The dangerousness of some chemical substances used based on polyurethane is high, so much so that the agency of Public Health Service, the Agency for Toxic Substances and the Registry of Diseases of the USA, lists isocyanates (TDI and MDI) as highly reactive chemicals.
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