
How to Cite

Valderrama Lopez, C. F., Diaz, L. J., & Vargas, J. O. (2018). Analysis of the generation of electrical and electronic device wastes. Case study in the Neiva city. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 10(1), 131-140.
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Analysis of the generation of electrical and electronic device wastes. Case study in the Neiva city.

Artículos de Investigación
Christian Felipe Valderrama Lopez UNAD
Jesus Octavio Vargas Corporación Autonoma Regional del Alto Magdalena - CAM; Universidad Surcolombiana

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - WEEE has become a new source of pollution to the point that approximately 40 to 50 million tons per year are disposed in landfills in developing countries. Those types of hazardous waste are considered of special risk to the environment and humans. Hence, this research analysed the behaviour of generation of hazardous waste in industrial, commercial and service sector in the Neiva city. The regional environmental authority supported this work to identify the hazardous waste generators in the city and a tool Data collection was designed.

The processing of this information identified the waste types, quantity, handle and final disposition in the city. It found that, in 2013, WEEE was 133,396 kg/yr and just 25% of the companies whose generated it, consider WEEE like a hazardous waste. This study lay the foundation to another researches related to hazard wastes, allowing to create new mid-term opportunities related to sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship at local level.