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Occupational prospects for 2030 of the training programs at the Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Artículo de Investigación
Rocío del Mar Rodríguez Parra Centro de Gestión Administrativa y Fortalecimiento Empresarial
Samuel Leonardo Rojas Serrano Centro de Gestión Administrativa y Fortalecimiento Empresarial, DIAN
Norberto Parra Arias Centro de Gestión Administrativa y Fortalecimiento Empresarial

Introduction: This article shows the results obtained in the study called “Study of occupational prospective for 2027 of the titled formation programs by the Centro de Gestión Administrativa y Fortalecimiento Empresarial for Boyacá Department. Methodology: The project described was developed under a qualitative approach, through a prospective study taking as base of its development the advance model described by Francisco Mojica and the methodology PREVIOS SENA. Through the application Of MICMAC and MACTOR systems we were able to identify the strategic variables Having into account the CEGAFE characteristics, the changes in the environment and the investigation objective concludes that the technology training programs could give big importance to the skills development focused in the technology, use of a second language, soft skills among others, and at the same time according to the experts consulting, the graduates from the different analyzed programs will keep being required by the public sector Results: Considering the different stages built from the catastrophic environment, comfort, probable, desirable, it is important that the formation center takes the decision over the stage bet and aim its efforts to the compliance and the scope of it.