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Financial crisis in Italy

Andrés Felipe Andrade Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Juan Manuel Méndez Sánchez

Introduction: The present investigation studies the case of Italy as one of the countries of the Eurozone that generates the greatest concern in its economic context and the impact that this has on a global level. Methodology: economic indicators are tracked to analyze the slow growth, the excessive indebtedness of the state and the high rate of youth unemployment. Results: the impossibility of generating expansionary monetary policies to encourage the recovery of internal demand largely due to the policies required of the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission. In addition to the above, the banking system is in a high risk stage, which may be the start of a new relapse not only in the country, but throughout the Eurozone. Conclusions: Finally, the instability of the political system, corruption and the protection of private interests also do not contribute to the generation of measures in the medium and long term for Italy to become a solid and influential economy worldwide