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Aya Palencia, D. S., & Fernández Gómez, N. A. (2020). Technological surveillance for the identification of lines of research over corruption. Revista Estrategia Organizacional, 9(1).
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Technological surveillance for the identification of lines of research over corruption

Diana Stefany Aya Palencia Universidad Surcolombiana
Nazly Alejandra Fernández Gómez Universidad Surcolombiana

The scientific development that addresses the issue of corruption is fundamental to achieve an adequate identification of lines of research of groups that intend to address this issue as a subject of study.  With the help of the Scopus database, using the biblioshiny interface of the bibliometrix package of the free software R-Project, it was possible to channel articles of great impact that helped define research lines or reference key words that are of great importance in order to define them. This process can not only be used in the corruption line, given that it applies to any topic of interest; such as health, education, poverty, food, among others, the important thing is to define a macro topic from which branches that affect it directly or indirectly can be derived. For this reason, the research group Statistics and Probability, used as a main tool the database search engine SCOPUS under the corruption line, which allowed making a reference chain where it indicates the step by step to reach a result. Finally, it was obtained as a result, that the process to define lines of investigation from the use of databases is an instrument that allows reaching information from primary sources which guarantees a result with true references that can be used to cite the projects to be investigated.