International scientific journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles related to economics, business and management strategy.

The journal presents research that provides innovative perspectives to address global strategy issues.

It is an open access journal free from payment and embargo periods. The journal does not have any APC (Article Processing Charge).

The journal publishes under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution – Non-Commercial - Share-alike (BY-NC-SA) license. The journal allows self-archiving after publication with the version edited by the journal, both on personal websites and institutional repositories.  Receives articles in Spanish and English. It´s a semiannual publication.

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional adheres to the COPE code of conduct for journal editors in relation to their practices with readers, authors and the general community. This document combines the original COPE Guidelines from 1999, the Code of Conduct developed in 2003 and the Guidelines on Best Practices developed in 2007. 1
Below are the duties, responsibilities and practices adopted by the journal itself, its authors and its readers.

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional adheres to the following duties, responsibilities and practices with regards to its EDITORS:

Editors should be responsible for everything published in their journals. This means that editors must:

  • Try to meet the needs of readers and authors;
  • Strive to constantly improve their journal;
  • Establish processes to ensure the quality of the material published;
  • Advocate for freedom of expression;
  • Maintain the integrity of the publication's academic record;
  • Prevent business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards;
  • Always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Likewise, the following practices and actions are strongly encouraged:

  • Actively seek the opinions of authors, readers, reviewers and Editorial Board members on how to improve the journal processes;
  • Promote and learn about research on peer review and publish and re-evaluate the processes followed by the journal in light of these new findings;
  • Provide appropriate resources as well as expert guidance (e.g. designers, lawyers);
  • Support initiatives designed to reduce misconduct in relation to research and publication;
  • Support initiatives to educate researchers on the ethics of publications;
  • Evaluate the effects of the journal's policy on the behavior of authors and reviewers and review the policies, if necessary, to encourage responsible behavior and discourage misconduct;
  • Ensure that press releases issued by the journal faithfully reflect the message of its articles and put them in context.

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional adheres to the following duties, responsibilities and practices with regards to its READERS:

Readers should be informed of who has funded the research or other academic work, as well as the role, if any, of the funder in the research and publication.

Best practices for editors include the following actions:

  • Ensure that all published research reports and reviews have been reviewed by qualified personnel (including statistical reviews when necessary);
  • Ensure that non-peer-reviewed sections of the journal are clearly identified;
  • Adopt processes that promote the accuracy, completeness, and clarity of research reports, including technical editing and the use of appropriate guidelines and checklists (e.g. MIAME, CONSORT2);
  • Consider developing a transparency policy to encourage maximum disclosure of non-research articles;
  • Adopt authorship or contribution systems that promote good practices, that is, that reflect who did the work and discourage misconduct (e.g. ghostwriters and guest authors);
  • Inform readers about measures taken to ensure that proposals submitted by staff members of the journal or Editorial Committee receive an objective and impartial evaluation.

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional adheres to the following duties, responsibilities and practices with regards to its AUTHORS: 

The Editors' decisions, to accept or reject a document for publication, will be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the article, on the validity of the study, as well as on its relevance in relation to the journal's guidelines.

  • Editors will not reverse decisions to accept papers unless serious issues are identified in connection with them;
  • New editors will not override decisions made by the previous editor to publish submitted articles unless serious issues are identified in relation to them;
  • A detailed description of the peer review processes should be published and editors should be able to justify any significant deviations from the processes described;
  • The journal will employ an explicit mechanism for authors to appeal against editorial decisions;
  • Editors should publish guidelines for authors on all aspects expected of them. This guidance must be regularly updated and must refer to or be linked to the COPE code of conduct;
  • Editors should provide guidance on authorship criteria or who should be included as a contributor, following standards within the relevant field.

The following practices and actions are also strongly encouraged:

  • Review authors' instructions regularly and provide links to relevant guidelines (e.g. ICMJE5, responsible publication of research, international standards for authors);
  • Post relevant conflicting interests in relation to all contributors and post corrections if those interests are revealed after publication;
  • Ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected for the articles submitted (i.e. individuals who can truly evaluate the work and are unable to reject it due to competing interests);
  • Respect authors' requests that an evaluator not review their work, as long as they are well reasoned and possible;
  • To follow the COPE flow charts ( in cases of suspected misconduct or controversy in authorship;
  • Post detailed information on how suspected misconduct cases are handled (e.g. with links to the COPE flowchart);
  • Publish the delivery and acceptance dates of the articles.

1 This review was carried out after various consultations with COPE members and was approved by the COPE Council on March 7th, 2011. Translation and adaptation: 11th May, 2017. Susana Álvarez-Álvarez, Universidad de Valladolid. Spain. Miguel Zapata-Ros, Universidad de Murcia. Spain under the Creative Commons license, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. Available on:

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional was founded in 2012 at the initiative of the Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocios - ECACEN. Since then, it has been published uninterruptedly every six months. It is published by the UNAD University Press.

It was conceived as a disclosure journal to publish studies in its areas of knowledge. After six years of continuous improvement, it evolved into a scientific journal. From that moment, is has published research articles and became a reference for editorial and scientific quality in Latin America. Its vision is to position itself as a scientific medium in the global arena.

The total numbers published during these years can be found at:

In 2015, the journal changed the terms of the license used to distribute the articles. We went from using a CC BY license to a CC BY-NC-SA. For any questions, you can contact us via the email:

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.

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The Revista Estrategia Organizacional has been published biannually continuously since 2012. The first issue is published online in the months of January-February. The second issue is published online in the months of June-July.

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional is an open access publication. It does not charge any fee for published articles, or for articles evaluated, reviewed or downloaded. The journal does not have any APC (Article Processing Charge).

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional has OAI-PMH interoperability protocols: Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Details can be consulted at the following link:
