
How to Cite

Sánchez López, P. R. ., & Vidal Fócil , A. B. . (2023). Impact on the economy of illicit activities in last years and its transformation in Mexico. Publicaciones E Investigación, 17(2).
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Impact on the economy of illicit activities in last years and its transformation in Mexico

Artículo original
Perla Rubí Sánchez López Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México.
Ana Bertha Vidal Fócil Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México.

This article aims to analyze the impact of the economy of illicit activities in the last three years in Mexico, in order to identify the factors that have contributed to its negative transformation and propose effective measures to combat and prevent them in the future. The study covers the evolution of illicit activities such as drug trafficking and corruption that represents a threat to national and international economic development and destroys confidence in citizens, revealing that several factors have contributed to this negative transformation. First, it highlights the growth of criminal organizations and their ability to diversify their activities, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion and money laundering. These activities generate large profits and undermine the economic and social stability of the country. Resulting in the identification of widespread corruption as a key factor facilitating the operation of illicit activities. The methodology used was descriptive, explanatory and observational since it was investigated in different sources of information such as news, reports and web pages under the technique of a mixed design. Therefore, it is concluded that it is of vital importance to know the situation in which the country's economy is located.