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Juarez, A. Y. (2023). Teaching strategies that make known the traditional geography of Venezuela through educational software. Publicaciones E Investigación, 17(2).
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Teaching strategies that make known the traditional geography of Venezuela through educational software

Artículo de revisión
Ana Yelena Juarez Comunidad de aprendizaje

The research described focuses on the creation of teaching strategies in the traditional geography of Venezuela, using educational software which is evaluated by the generating processes in teaching. This research is feasible and explanatory, based on qualitative methods that include documentary and descriptive research to evaluate the contents and attributes related to educational software. The target population of this research is made up of four (4) specialist teachers in the area of social sciences, from the "8 de Septiembre" Night High School, who validate the content, an interview with open questions was conducted. In addition, an exhaustive search for books and photographic content will be carried out for the development of the software. The main objective of this research is to create an innovative educational process that encourages creativity in the teaching of the traditional geography of Venezuela. In addition, it seeks to evaluate the generating processes of teaching, the inclusion of educational software is considered a valuable tool to improve the quality of learning, since creativity and innovation are important aspects in education and can help promote teaching, It will be part of the content of the Memory, Territory and Citizenship area, which seeks values that promote national identity, recognize cultural diversity, value the expressions and creativity of the Venezuelan people that lead to critical and reflective thinking of comprehensive and contextualized learning.