Published 2012-01-16
Artículos de Investigación

Perception of beekeepers about the melliferous plants from the Dry Forest of the Northwest (Dominican Republic).

Thomas May Fundación para el Desarrollo Azua, San Juan y Elías Piña (FUNDASEP)
Sesar Rodríguez Consorcio Ambiental Dominicana (CAD), Santo Domingo (República Dominicana).

The melliferous flora honey and its flowering in the subtropical dry forest area of the Northwest, of the Dominican Republic were studied. A survey of 30 local beekeepers as well as four semi-structured interviews on important plants for beekeeping were applied. Plants were scored according to their importance by observation is confirmed in the field visits bees species observed and consulted information secondary on flowering dates and features honey, secondary data, and applied the index Jaccard to determine the degree of similarity between the set of the plants mentioned by beekeepers and observed in the field. Coincidence, relatively good, between the plants identified by beekeepers and plants were observed in the bee visits the field confirms the validity of the method. Most plants are identified as wild honey and belong to the dry forest vegetation. There is a period abundant flowering from March to June and a period shortages from September to December. Recommended conservation of significant areas of dry forest and of mangroves in coastal areas, and the establishment of hedges and other agroforestry systems in the agricultural landscape, which take into account tree species relevant to beekeeping, with additional flowering

keywords: bee flora, flowering phenology, research participatory natural resource management.

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How to Cite
May, T., & Rodríguez, S. (2012). Perception of beekeepers about the melliferous plants from the Dry Forest of the Northwest (Dominican Republic). Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 3(1), 15-23.
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