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Hernández Burgos, J. L., Jarma Orozco, A. D. J., Humanez Álvarez, A. D. C., & Durango Ballesteros, E. D. (2018). Stability of yields of 5 genotypes of gynerium saggitatum aubl., under two levels of fertilization in ten localities of the department of Córdoba, Colombia. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 10(1), 15-26.
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Stability of yields of 5 genotypes of gynerium saggitatum aubl., under two levels of fertilization in ten localities of the department of Córdoba, Colombia

Artículos de Investigación
Jaime Luis Hernández Burgos Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Alfredo De Jesus Jarma Orozco Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas Montería Córdoba
Alicia Del Carmen Humanez Álvarez Universidad del Sinú “Elías Bechara Zainum”
Eder Dadner Durango Ballesteros SENA. Centro Agroempresarial y Minero, SENNOVA. Cartagena (Colombia)
Caña Flecha (Gynerium saggittatum Aubl.) has become an economic and cultural perpetuation of ancient indigenous peoples of the north coast of Colombia. However, the ignorance of the behavior of this crop in diverse edaphoclimatic conditions, generates low production capacity. In the present work, the fiber and photosynthesis yields of 5 arrow cane genotypes under two levels of fertilization in ten localities of the department of Córdoba were analyzed: Bajo Grande, La Abisinia, San Martin, San Efrain, Tófeme, Buenos Aires, INTECAVI, Bella Cecilia, Chimalito and la Oportunidad, it was used a randomized complete block design with 5x2 factorial arrangement: five (5) genotypes (Criolla, Criolla 1, Criolla 2, Martinera y Costanera), subjected to two (2) fertilization levels without organic fertilization with three (3) replicates. The length of the central rib (LNC) and the rates of gaseous exchange net photosynthesis, internal concentration of CO2, stomatal conductance and transpiration were measured. Fiber yields were analyzed according to the method of Lin y Binns (1988) y Carneiro (1998). Duncan analysis of variance and comparing means at the α = 0.05 level were made according to the proposed design, using SAS 9.1 statistical package. There were higher rates of photosynthesis and fiber yields in the Criolla and Criolla 1 genotypes compared to the rest, as well as a better development of the plants in the localities of Buenos Aires, Bella Cecilia and Chimalito. More stable fiber yields were obtained when organic fertilization was applied. The results suggest to encourage the establishment of Criolla and Criolla 1 genotypes in the localities of Buenos Aires, Bella Cecilia and Chimalito, under the application of organic fertilizers that improve his productivity and avoid the depletion of the soils.