Estrategia Organizacional Journalprovides immediate open access to its content based on the principle of offering the public free access to research and contributing to greater global knowledge exchange.

Therefore, it complies with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License. The commercial use of the original work and any derivative works is not allowed, whose distribution must be made under the same or equal license to that ruling the original work. For more information, go to:

The Journal does not request any type of embargo of the managed contents and does not charge any APC (article processing charge). Our publishing entity, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD in Spanish), assumes all costs of the editorial process. The Journal allows self-archiving after publication with the version it edited in both the institutional and knowledge repositories, provided that the direct citation to the journal is made and the URL address directing to the article on the journal's website is indicated.

The Journal participates in open-access initiatives such as DORA (The Declaration on Research Assessment) and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Additionally, all references to articles in the Journal are published openly through Crossref.

The contents of the articles must be unpublished and original. That means it must not have been published before in its current or similar version. They must not be under evaluation in another institution. The content cannot be disposed from third parties, and it must not have legal or contractual constraints that prohibit the author from authorizing its publication in open access and printed or digital media.

If there is a conflict of interest, it must be declared upon submission. The Journal's Conflict of Interest Policy and the Experimentation and Research Ethics Policy must be read.

The authors are responsible for achieving copyrights of all graphic material. Therefore, they must send the publication and use of this material authorizations.

Each author must sign the Letter of Assignment of Rights in favor of Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) and the Estrategia Organizacional Journal. In which the author guarantees that the work does not violate any existing copyright. This assignment specifies that the moral rights always belong and will remain the authors. The letter details the terms of each party's copyrights and commitments.

Anyone who has made a substantial and meaningful contribution to the submission must be included (any other person involved must be included in the acknowledgments). Anyone who did not contribute to the article or chose not to be associated with the research must be excluded.

If the article involves human beings, the author must make sure whether or not he/she needs ethical approval for his/her research, and he/she must include such information when submitting the article. The Journal's Experimentation and Research Ethics Policy must be read.

The Estrategia Organizacional Journal makes sure to publish articles that do not breach the authorship rights of any other author or institution. To this end, there is Plagiarism Detection Policy which follows these steps:

  1. After the first stage of manuscript review (established in the Standards for Authors), the proposed article submitted will be reviewed by the editorial committee and analyzed through the plagiarism detection software iThenticate of Turnitin company. The software reflects the degree of coincidence with other previously published documents through a percentage representation and their respective location. Through coincidences percentages, the editorial team will inquire about the attempts of plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
  2. Once plagiarism or self-plagiarism is confirmed, the Ethics Committee of Estrategia Organizacional Journal will be notified, presenting the results obtained. For coincidences lower than the accepted percentage, if the citation of bibliographic sources is not correctly identified, the author is urged to acknowledge the source of the information and cite it correctly in the text. Otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected. If coincidences are higher than the percentage accepted by the Journal, the manuscript will be automatically rejected.

Plagiarism detection in a published manuscript
When a case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified and confirmed in an article previously published in the Estrategia Organizacional Journal, the publication is removed from the official website in all available formats, and a formal personalized communication is issued by the editor and sent to the author informing about the irregularities evidenced.

Actions taken by the journal upon detection and confirmation of plagiarism
In the event of detecting and confirming plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the author undergoes a penalization process which will be discussed by the editorial and ethics committee of the Estrategia Organizacional Journal.

The Estrategia Organizacional Journal preserves archives through the periodical library servers of Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia with the OJS platform. It is equipped with the PLN tool of PKP, which allows for preserving the content of the journal regardless of where it is hosted, thanks to the LOCKSS private network. More information can be found at:

In addition, the journal has interoperability protocols, OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Details can be found at the following link:

The journal publishes research articles only. It is recommended to follow the general outline of research papers:

  • Work title in the text language and its English version.
  • Authors' name and institutions, postal address, and e-mail.
  • Abstract in English and Spanish of 100-150 words.
  • Indicate three to five keywords in Spanish and its English version, separated by semicolons.
  • Introduction, background and objectives, methodology, results, and discussion of results
  • Conclusions
  • References

Estrategia Organizacional Journal provides open access to its content based on the principle that offering the public free access to research contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge, allowing downloading, reading, and printing under the parameters of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license
In broad terms, the license allows our students, teachers, and researchers, among others, to share, copy, and redistribute the material in any means or format and adapt, remix, transform, and build from the material.
Provided that the following terms are respected:

  • Attribution – Appropriate credit must be given, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes have been made. It can be in any reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the licensors endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial – Material may not be used for commercial purposes.

For this purpose, interested parties are invited to visit the license link:

Regarding appeals to the journal editor's decisions and complaints on the editorial management of the peer review process, Estrategia Organizacional Journalis guided by the guidelines indicated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Please note that in order to file an appeal, you, as the author, must have evidence and all the necessary information to process your request or complaint. Likewise, you must send a letter with the attached evidence to the journal's e-mail:, with the subject "Apelación proceso editorial” (Editorial process appeal in English) or "Apelación a la revisión de pares” (Peer review Appeal in English), as the case may be.
Note: An appeal to the peer review process corresponds to a different process from submitting of adjustments and justification, when changes are required to an approved article proposal subject to modifications. For further clarification, we invite you to consult our Standards for Authors and the “Evaluation Process” section.

Request for changes after publication of the final version of an article

On some rare occasions, after the publication of an article, it can be necessary to change the final version of the article. This will be done after careful consideration by the editorial committee to ensure that the necessary changes are made, in accordance with the guidance of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In order to ensure the integrity of the academic record, any subsequent changes will involve a notice in the publication that will be permanently linked to the original article. The notice may be a correction, an expression of concern, a retraction, or, in extreme cases, a deletion.

All authors participating in submitting an article proposal to the Estrategia Organizacional Journalmust declare any type of relevant conflict of interest or that it may be perceived as relevant during the editorial process. Details can be found in the "Manuscript Submission Standards" section of the Standards for Authors.
A conflict of interest exists when the authors or their employers, sponsors, relatives, and friends have a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with other organizations or the people who work with them, which could influence the research or results interpretation.
In addition, interest may be of a financial or non-financial nature. Therefore, it is necessary to declare any association others may perceive as a competing interest.

The research resulting in the articles published in the Estrategia Organizacional Journalmust have been carried out under ethical parameters and in accordance with international and local guidelines that guarantee those mentioned above.
Research published in the Estrategia Organizacional Journal involving the participation of human beings, both individually and collectively, to perform specific tests or data collection, and surveys, among others, must meet all ethical requirements and approvals for such practices. For this reason, a statement to confirm this ethical approval must be included in the manuscript, as well as the details on the name of the ethics committee and the type of permissions assigned, when available, must be provided.
In particular, Estrategia OrganizacionalJournalrecommends and is guided by the principles established in the Declaration of Helsinki and the Economic and Social Research Council.
Through the above ethical guidelines, it is expected that the researcher has correctly carried out the procedure for handling sensitive information and an adequate and dignified treatment of vulnerable populations.

Aligned with its ethical principles. The Estrategia Organizacional Journal is committed to monitoring and tracking all forms of misconduct, and it will take all necessary measures in accordance with COPE guidelines to protect the integrity of the academic record. The following is a list of some examples of misconduct, without implying that there are no others:

  • Affiliation distortion
  • Copyright infringement and use of third-party material without proper permission
  • Citations tampering
  • Duplicate submission or publication
  • Ethics Dumping
  • Tampering or fabrication of images or data
  • Peer review tampering
  • Plagiarism
  • Text recycling or self-plagiarism
  • Undisclosed competing interests
Unethical research

All necessary permissions are required to use material from third parties in an article. The following are examples of materials that require proper authorization and acknowledgment: text, illustrations, photographs, tables, data, audio, video, film frames, screenshots, or musical notation.
Generally, it is allowed to use short fragments of text and some other types of material, on a limited basis, for criticism and review purposes without obtaining formal permission. However, you must obtain permission in writing from the copyright owner before submitting your manuscript if you, as author, require any material to which you do not hold copyright and this informal agreement does not cover it..

The Revista Estrategia Organizacional does not allow the use of AI tools in the writing of any part of the articles. This includes abstracts, literature review, report generation, statistical reports or images. The authors must be responsible for the writing, authenticity of the data, integrity of their work and validity.
The journal allows the article to be edited using an AI tool to improve language among the usual parameters to improve spelling and grammar. The material must be created by the author and completely new content cannot be generated by AI as the author remains responsible.