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Vocational training networks: knowledge management, administration and entrepreneurship

Artículo de Investigación
Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas Nova Southeastern University
Lirios Cruz García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Introduction: Based on this network model, the objective of this study is to establish, through discourse analysis, the relationships between input peripheries, incoming trans-peripheral nodes, peripheral centrals, central node, outgoing trans-peripheral node and output peripheries. Methodology: A qualitative exploratory study was carried out with in-depth interviews and discourse analysis of three participants in a professional training network. Results: The results show that innovation in the network is incipient and this implies the emergence of agents that, due to their management, innovation and entrepreneurship, turn out to be the only producers of knowledge that encourage students, practitioners or administrators, but do not receive any influence from them during the training and supervision of professional practices in companies that established collaboration agreements with the public university. Regarding the state of knowledge, the results of the present investigation were discussed.