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Administration of strategic infrastructure in the Defense Sector of Colombia. Relationship with the strategy adopted by Spain

Artículo de Investigación
Sandra Marcela Avila Bernal Universidad Externado de Colombia

Introduction: This article performs an analysis related to the protection of the Strategic Infrastructure - Critical from the Defense Sector. It understands the phenomenon that its protection conceives, and identifies the lessons learned that allow, even, to locate the starting point in which the sector through the Public Force can find itself, according to comparative parameters of the case of Spain. Methodology: an interview was conducted with expert personnel in security and defense issues, as well as in public security and infrastructure issues, with open and closed questions to those who were at a Management, Medium and Operational Level, in order to be able to collect both their knowledge, expertise and their vision of the proposed topic, and thus, obtain objective, critical and reliable results. Also, a checklist was structured in order to achieve a comparison of the main characteristics that allow verifying the degree of development of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program that Spain currently has, compared to what was found in the Defense Sector and with in order to limit the confirmation and validation phase of the research that was carried out through the Group of Experts consulted, through feedback on the results obtained. Results: The present research, in addition to having a differentiating nuance from the topics normally addressed, makes it possible to highlight that the social sciences are fundamental for the research of Strategic-Critical Infrastructure, in a transdisciplinary way in several ways. In this sense, an attempt was made to consider throughout this research "the importance of security and defense as agents of stable and sustainable economic development" (Medeiros & Pereyra Bordón, s. F., P.115). Allowing to supply, descriptions that will be essential to generate transferability judgments to the context of the Defense Sector on the protection and administration of the Strategic - Critical Infrastructure, a concrete situation with unique characteristics.