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Artificial intelligence for the administration of the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia (RAC)

Artículo de Investigación
Paulino Rodríguez-Palomino Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia

Introduction: The aim of this article is to show the results found in a consulting project for Aerocivil. Methodology: a business case study was carried out to determine if it is possible to find a computer solution with Artificial Intelligence that allows obtaining answers in real time on queries that are had about the application to specific cases of the rules contained in the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia (RAC). Results: This is why the project carried out an organizational consultancy to Aerocivil where the technical problem in which it is immersed was properly identified, the possible solution to the technical problem and administrative aspects were developed through a business case associates, who determined its viability and showed the possible applications in the management of different organizations.