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Rodríguez Pinzón, J. A., & Palencia Fajardo, O. (2020). Economic management of the BPM (Business Process Management) in the productivity of metalworking SMEs in the town of Fontibón in the city of Bogotá. Revista Estrategia Organizacional, 9(1).
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Economic management of the BPM (Business Process Management) in the productivity of metalworking SMEs in the town of Fontibón in the city of Bogotá

Julio Alberto Rodríguez Pinzón Universidad Santo Tomás
Ofelia Palencia Fajardo

The purpose of this paper is to apply the BPM methodology (Business Process Management), in the Metalworking SMEs of the city of Bogotá (Town of Fontibón), and propose good practices in achieving productivity through the ITIL method (Library of the Information Technology Infrastructure). Also the statistics of the Monthly Manufacturing Survey of DANE-Dec. 2018. (DANE, 2018) show that SMEs in the metalworking industry comparing the year 2018 with 2017 decreased their sales, their production, the staff employed in both the production area and the administrative and sales levels in very significant percentages, which They show low productivity and competitiveness. The implementation of the BPM will seek an integral vision of these SMEs through a management composed of methodologies and technologies, whose objective is to improve their performance with efficiency and effectiveness in the optimization of processes and resources. The Descriptive Research methodology was used. For the collection of the information, the Survey technique applied in primary sources to 35 SMEs was used according to a representative sample of the DANE (2018), having selected the ISIC2817 / 2819/2822 Groups, from the United Nations classification. Likewise, the use and implementation of the BPM and the ITIL method (Library of Information Technology Infrastructure) will lead to great improvements and benefits in the different processes of the organization.