
How to Cite

Sánchez Abril, H. M. (2012). Las empresas de transporte público colectivo urbano en Colombia y la calidad de su servicio. Revista Estrategia Organizacional, 1(1), 47-54.
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Las empresas de transporte público colectivo urbano en Colombia y la calidad de su servicio

Héctor Mauricio Sánchez Abril
Sustainable transport arose from the need to ensure mobility, reduce atmospheric pollution and noise emissions and make cities friendly to its inhabitants. With this perspective, the urban public transport (TPCU) has high importance and how it performs in service quality is essential, because if it is right by the companies will be encouraged to use. Therefore, in the present article embodies the history, definitions and existing approaches about service quality in TPCU companies, as well as some results of research on sustainable transport concerning the quality of service in some companies providing intermediate Colombian cities and specifically in Tunja. It shows a reflection on the shortcomings TPCU as users are finding the quality of service of transport companies, related to the administration, operation and customer service policies. Additionally, an analysis of some successful cases TPCU companies worldwide (An example is Ciudad Real, Spain). Finally, contains the recommendations to relevant managers TPCU companies to increase their competitiveness and sustainability and improve the quality of life of its users.