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Author Guidelines

1 Manuscript Submission Standards

Before submitting a proposed article, we request that authors read the following standards carefully. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not pass the first review stage and will, therefore, be rejected. By submitting it, the Estrategia Organizacional Journal assumes that authors agree to the rules and take their respective responsibilities throughout the editorial process.

The journal’s OJS must send the proposed article (if you do not know the procedure, you can consult this explanatory video) to the journal’s e-mail: as follows:

(1) The following information must be submitted and filled in by each of the authors:

  • Title of the manuscript
  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • ID Card
  • Type of document (citizenship card, foreign citizenship card, passport)
  • Current institutional affiliation
  • Link to the CvLac platform (for Colombian authors)
  • Level of academic studies
  • Correspondence address
  • Telephone
  • E-mail
  • Orcid iD*
  • H5-index (if known) 
  • Conflict of interest declaration**

*The journal requires the Orcid of the authors. It is recommended to carry out this registration that will allow authors to have an identification number as a researcher who centralizes all their production. If you do not have this number, please register at the following link:

**All authors and co-authors submitting a proposed article will have to indicate if the submitted manuscript is derived from any research project (if necessary, indicate the project code and the name of the institution under which the research was conducted) and if any funding was obtained.

2) Articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. The length is limited to 15 and 30 pages. In 12-point Times New Roman font with 1.5cm spacing.

3) The title of the article must be in English and Spanish, with a maximum of 15 words. An abstract with a maximum of 140 words must be submitted in English and Spanish. Submit a maximum of eight keywords in English and Spanish.

4) All graphic material (tables, figures, diagrams, photographs) must be sent in a separate file with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI in JPG or TIFF format. Each element must be followed by the source, title, and location within the text.

2 Evaluation process  

The selection process of the journal consists of three moments. It aims to select the best works based on their originality, thematic relevance, scientific rigor, good writing, and compliance with established submission requirements. The stages are described below:

Stage 1. Preliminary review by the Editor and Editorial Committee

The editor and Editorial Committee review and verify the relevance of the manuscript and compliance with the submission rules. For documents that pass the first filter, the author is informed that it will proceed to the second stage and that his/her manuscript will be reviewed through plagiarism checker software. Therefore, it is recommended to read the Journal’s Plagiarism Policy.

It is clarified to the authors that, regarding data integrity, Turnitin specifies on its website that the author “is, at all times, the owner of all its intellectual property rights. Turnitin shall not assume or claim ownership of the copyright in any work submitted to or through our platform. Your property is YOURS.” (, Quote translated from its original in Spanish)

We invite authors and co-authors to review ethics, plagiarism, and misconduct policies for greater clarity on this matter.

The estimated time in this stage is one month. 

Stage 2. Peer evaluation

The process is a double-blind peer review. Two or more independent, external to the institution and anonymous experts will analyze the proposed articles separately, and they will determine the validity of the results and their potential in the area of knowledge. The journal previously instructs the chosen external peers, based on their expertise, to carry out anonymous arbitration. The timing and format for this evaluation are informed. The evaluation of external peers is structured from an analysis of form and content, which consists of 20 items with quantitative value that determine the final concept. After filling out the form, it returns a summary, a report with major and minor issues, and recommendations.

The evaluation stage can take approximately two months. 

Stage 3. Authors’ feedback

Based on the concepts of the evaluators, the authors receive the notification, which can be: approved, approved with modifications, or rejected. Remarks issued by peers are sent to the authors in order to make adjustments if necessary. If a controversy arises at this point, the Editorial Committee decides on thereof.  At the end of which the articles will begin the editorial process.

This response is sent one week after receiving the two evaluations. 

3 Type of articles and recommendations

Estrategia Organizacional Journal publishes articles from completed or ongoing research. Understanding the type of the article it is recommended that the abstract be descriptive or analytical, according to the approach and style of the proposal sent. The abstract must include the main objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions. To this end, it is crucial that the author has a clear overall structure of his/her text and can suppress the information that will not be part of the abstract; generalizes certain concepts, and develops a sequence of proposals that expose the most relevant aspects of his/her research.

It is also recommended that keywords correspond to important concepts to be addressed in the research.

In accordance with the classification of Colciencias, a research paper is: “Articles of scientific research and technological development: documents that present in detail the original results of scientific research or technological development projects. The processes from which it derives are explicitly stated in the published document, as well as the names of their authors and their institutional affiliation. The structure generally used consists of introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions” [Quote translated from its original in Spanish] 

4 Format

The works must be new; they cannot have been published in advance or under consideration by any other journal — if necessary, clarification can be sent to the editor. They should include the following:

1) Names and last name of the author below the title of the manuscript. It is suggested to standardize the name, and in cases of two last names, join them with a hyphen. For example: Clara Romero-Manrique.

(2) A footnote must emerge from the name of each of the authors indicating: academic studies— degrees and the name of the institutions awarding them — institutional affiliation — the name of the institution for which they work — e-mail — personal and institutional.

(3) A footnote indicating the text's origin or the article's nature—check the articles' types in the following subparagraph — must emerge from the heading of the proposed article.

4) It is recommended that the body text is built with an introduction, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions.

(5) The use of footnotes must be exclusive for clarifying or explanatory notes, never to reference texts.

6) The journal uses the latest version of the APA (American Psychology Association) standards for both style and citation for references, citation, and presentation of figures and tables. The following are some examples of citations, both in-text (T) and its presentation in the list of references (R):


Book with one author

T: (Birmajer, 2002)

R: Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Editorial.

Example: Birmajer, M. (2002). Nuevas historias de hombres casados. Alfaguara.

Book with multiple authors

T: (Machuca and Reed, 2018)

R: Last name, A. A., and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title. Editorial.

Example: Machuca, D., and Reed, B. (2018). Skepticism: from antiquity to the present. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Reprint or revised editions

T: (Marx and Engels, 1848/1971, p. 42)

R: Last name, A. A. (Most recent edition year). Title. Editorial (the original published in the year of publication of the original book).

Example: Marx, K., and Engels, F. (1971). El Manifiesto del Partido Comunista. Editions in Foreign Languages (the original published in 1848).

Book chapters

T: (Stroud, 2004, pp. 180-181)

R: Last name, A. A. and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter. In A. A. Last Name (ed.), Book Title (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

Example: Stroud, B. (2004). Contemporary Pyrrhonism. In W., Sinnot-Armstrong (ed.), Pyrrhonian Skepticism (pp. 174-187). Oxford University Press.

Scientific articles

Article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

T: (McPhail, 1999)

R: Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B. and Last name, C. C. (year). Title of the article. Journal’s name, volume (number), pp.

Example: McPhail, K. (1999). The Threat of Ethical Accountants: An Application of Foucault's Concept of Ethics to Accounting Education and Some Thoughts on Ethically Educating for the Other. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 10(6), 833–866.

Article without DOI

T: (Grajales, 2007)

R: Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B, and Last name, C. C. (year). Title of the article. Journal name, volume(number), pp. [Document access URL, if available]

Example: Grajales, J. (2007). Prejuicios hacia la contaduría Pública: una mirada a la realidad desde la ficción literaria.  Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia, (51), 183-198.

Variation according to the number of authors

One author: as explained above.

Two to seven authors: All authors are listed and separated by a comma, and in the last one is written “and.” Eight or more authors: The first six authors are listed, an ellipsis is placed, and the last author is listed.

Anonymous author: The text’s full title is written in place of the author.

Example: Representaciones sobre el gobierno en niños, niñas y adolescentes de Bucaramanga (2012). Latin American Journal of Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth, 10(2), 4-9.

Printed newspapers with author

Last name A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Newspaper name, pp-pp.

Printed without author

Title of the article. (Date). Newspaper name, pp-pp.


Last name, A. A. (Date). Title of the article. Newspaper name.

Example: Cicardi, F. (2012, June 4). Miles de personas oran en la plaza Tahrir de El Cairo. El Tiempo. https://www.el

Other types of texts

Symposiums and conferences

Last name, A. A. and Last name, B. B. (Date). Title of the paper. In A. Last name of the chairperson of the congress (Chair), Title of the symposium or congress. Name of the organization, Location.

Example: Manrique, D., and Aponte, L. (2011, June). Evolución en el estudio y conceptualización de la consciencia. In H. Castillo (Chair), El psicoanálisis en Latinoamérica. XXXIII Ibero-American Congress of Psychology, Medellin, Colombia. 

Thesis and degree projects

Last name, A. A. and Last name, B. B. (Year). Thesis title (undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral thesis, Name of institution).

Example: Huerta, C. (2018). El Cuarto Sector de la economía en Chile  ¿Es necesaria una legislación para las empresas B? [Master's thesis, Universidad de Chile].

Website reference

Last name, A. A. (Date). Title of the page. Place of publication: Publisher.

Note: Under no circumstances op. cit., ibid., or ibid. are used.

of which, the articles will start the editorial process.

5 Editorial process

Style correction

Approved articles will undergo a process of review and translation (where applicable) of the text, where adjustments are made on the spelling and typographic level. At this stage, the author cannot make substantial changes, except for corrections on some typos.


Design and diagramming

After the text review, the article will be formatted in accordance with the journal’s design and institutional image guidelines. There, articles are diagrammed in five formats. Each format requires two revisions and adjustments to changes before being published.


Publication and outreach

The journal will publish the approved and edited articles on its website in its available formats. Currently, the Estrategia Organizacional Journal has PDF, mobile view, XML, HTML, and E-Pub versions for publishing its articles. Likewise, the journal will make the respective dissemination of its published articles in the different media, databases, repositories, and bibliographic indexes in which it is indexed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.

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Our online surveys may ask you for contact information, such as your email address, which will only be used to obtain your opinions or comments.