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Value Chains in the Member Countries of the Pacific Alliance During the Year 2020.

Artículo de Investigación
Yency Fanneth Torres Copete Laboratorios Baxter RTS
Diana Yaneth Holguín Plazas Administrador de Empresas

Introduction: The objective of this research project is to analyze the effects of COVID-19 on the value chains of the Pacific Alliance countries in 2020. Methodology: a descriptive approach is used with qualitative analysis, using as a tool the interview of a sample of 9 Experts on the subject of value chains with an academic specialty or master’s level, the data collected is processed in the Nvivo software for cloud diagram analysis. Results: The perception of the experts shows us an approximate representation of the effects of Covid-19 on the productive chain of the member countries of the AP in the year 2020, which give us an overview of the loss of added value in the chains that contribute countries economic development. Likewise, the impacts produced by the sanitary measures and their contribution to the economic decline are presented, as well as the intervention factors against the decline of the labor market and the negative effects of the most affected sectors, as well as the positive effects of some sectors. in small and medium enterprises.