
How to Cite

Silva Carreño, W. H. (2012). Research and reflexive practice as epistemological categories of professional teacher development. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 11(2), 44-54.
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Research and reflexive practice as epistemological categories of professional teacher development

Artículo producto de Investigación
Wilmer Hernando Silva Carreño Artículo de reflexión desarrollado en el marco del seminario Los contenidos disciplinares y los conocimientos del profesor. Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2012.

This article aims to find out how epistemological reflection is central to all school processes. Such a question, posed to teacher professional knowledge involves decentering discussion on teaching training and professional development as foundational elements to builf teachers’ professional knowledge. In this process, research emerges as a category articulating and proving teachers become a research subject through their training and exercise, especially by reflecting on their own practice, which denotes an ongoing questioning on their doing, not only on their practice but even on its meaning. What follows intends to approximate the direction of research and reflexive practice in teacher professional development.