
How to Cite

Camargo Garzón, M. Y., Cifuentes, A. A., & Ortega Cogollo, V. (2010). Diseño de sistemas silvopastoriles basados en los planes de ordenamiento predial. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(2), 541-544.
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Diseño de sistemas silvopastoriles basados en los planes de ordenamiento predial

Artículo producto de Investigación
María Yaneth Camargo Garzón Universidad de Ciencias Ambientales y Aplicadas
Adriana Angélica Cifuentes
Viviana Ortega Cogollo

The Plan of Predial Classification like instrument of planning projects the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of productive systems, having in count the policies and programs of municipal, departmental and national order as for the processes of use and occupation of the territory. Under the Project "Development and technological innovation and efficient organic farming in the province of Sumapaz in productive sectors and educational" Plans were drawn up a POP for 20 farms representing bovine production systems in the region-province Sumapaz who experienced the process of conversion to silvopastoral systems, based on soil resources, water, forest, to conceptualize livestock production in the context of efficient livestock production. The proposed methodology was to conduct visits to selected farms through semistructured interviews of owners, direct observation with a photographic record of the property and further development of the plane of hands of the production unit, zoning maps, land use by GIS.Secondary information was compiled from the municipalities regarding Zoning Schemes EOT-and-municipal agreements which regulate land uses for each of the 10 municipalities of Sumapaz.