
How to Cite

Vinasco Guzmán, M. C., Méndez, N. M., Salazar, L. H., Munar, C. A., Munar, Y., & Samboni, C. A. (2010). Evaluación de cinco parámetros de calidad en fruta de la mora de castilla rubus glaucus benth variedad sin espinas comparada con la variedad con espinas, en cultivos de la zona sur del departamento del Huila. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(2), 235-244.
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Evaluación de cinco parámetros de calidad en fruta de la mora de castilla rubus glaucus benth variedad sin espinas comparada con la variedad con espinas, en cultivos de la zona sur del departamento del Huila

Artículo producto de Investigación
Marta Cecilia Vinasco Guzmán
Nelly María Méndez
Luis Herney Salazar
César Augusto Munar
Yineth Munar
Carlos Alirio Samboni
The blackberry, Rubus Glaucus Bent, is a high consumed fruit for its excellent flavor and nutritional qualities. The plant is grown at altitudes of 1800 to 2200 meters. It is spread in the whole country and is a source of permanent income for the producers. The genus Rubus is one of the most diverse plant kingdoms, making the genetically rich blackberry. The blackberry plant has lots of thorns, making it difficult to handle it in the harvest process. A new variety of blackberry was discovered in the 90's, which was called the thorn less blackberry. It has been propagated extensively in projects funded by official and private capital. The possibilities of income and production for agrobusiness of this product have not been evaluated in the southern Huila.