
How to Cite

Díaz López, Y., & Gómez Salazar, H. D. P. (2013). Religious experience in virtual learning environments. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 12(2), 95-109.
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Religious experience in virtual learning environments.

Artículo producto de Investigación
Yefren Díaz López UNAD
Hna. Delia Patricia Gómez Salazar Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana.
This paper is the result of the research project “Social Mapping of
Religious Experience in Virtual Learning Environments”. From an
analytical perspective, addresses the mapping of virtual learning
spaces, which are cyberspace referents in which a network-learning
community is built. Many human and religious experiences are
expressed, from the Christian style in the digital world. This is
analysis directed from the theological methodological approach (text, context, and pretext), the Social Cartography technique, tools and technological instruments specific to virtual learning environments, and collective maps of human and religious experiences in the network-learning community of la BSc in Religion Sciences. Faculty of the Theology. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.