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Thinking skills as a learning strategy for college students.

Artículo producto de Investigación
Bertha M. Velásquez Burgos Universidad de La Sabana
Nahyr Remolina de Cleves Universidad de Santo Tomás.
María Graciela Calle Márquez

In this paper the topic of thinking skills or mental abilities that allow the individual to build and organize their knowledge is presented to be applied more effectively in different situations. In the same way represent the ability and willingness to develop mental processes that contribute to problem solving. This is developed with either conscious or unconscious practice, and relate to the act of thinking of the human being.

The thought processes can be grouped according to their levels of complexity and abstraction: basic processes (observation, comparison and classification) and integrative processes (analysis, synthesis and evaluation). These processes are the foundation on which it builds and organizes knowledge and reasoning.

Additionally strategies to develop these skills in students through concept maps, mind maps, mentefactos, are recommended. These contributing to promote higher order thinking and provide opportunities for every student to be successful.