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Review the processes of understanding and production of academic texts in the field of higher education in the classroom and virtual enviroment

Sandra Acevedo Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.
Lizedh Martínez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Ivonne Román Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

This article is a product of an investigation about some researchings
about the processes of reading comprehension and production of
texts in high education to a national and international level. The
founded articles detach some searching experiences that start as a
pilot trials and practices obtained by mean of short courses about
reading comprehension and writing.

It was possible to identify some difficulties that students have when
they arrive to the first levels of their university lives; teachers have
some imaginary ideas about the experiences their students had in
their previous studies, and the pedagogical strategies that they have implemented, and how this add some basis elements to represent a performance in their future professional activity.