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Educational inclusion in young people, adults and adults in Venezuela

Artículo de revisión
Ana Yelena Juarez Comunidad de aprendizaje

In Venezuela; The education of young people, adults and adults, is a study option for those people over 15 years of age who want to study but are unaware of the educational proposals, this population is one that leaves their studies for whatever reason, the situations are multiple such as lack of school in rural areas, migration, work at an early age, among others, all these factors involve the social and economic part, that is why; that it is unknown where to go when one is of legal age, cannot enter the regular system and wants to study. In addition to how to return to their studies, because they cannot ask about the shame caused by not having studies, they continue to be postponed. In this investigation, the educational options that are available in Venezuela are indicated, plus the legal processes, which must be taken for the inclusion of Youth, Adults and Adults, in the different educational systems in charge of primary, basic and general secondary education, where there are a number of new viable alternatives to return, on the other hand; It is reported on those children under 15 years of age who return to their homeland and cannot be integrated into regular school due to their age because they had been out of the educational system for two or more years, they have to level up to enter regular education because they do not have the age for the education of young people and adults, in addition, all human beings must have multiple options to study, humanity must be had to welcome the school system. Here is shown the modality of Youth, adults and adults that involves the Night High Schools, INCES, the missions, entrepreneurship centers among others, this research is of a qualitative type under a bibliographic approach that provides the basis of the study with written and recorded material,