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Perception analysis of ICT appropriation in colombian educational institutions during the covid-19 pandemic

Original article
Iván Javier Monterrosa Castro Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco
Mónica Esther Ospino Pinedo Universidad de Cartagena
Gabriel Elías Chanchí Golondrino Universidad de Cartagena

ECLAC-UNESCO report related to education in times of the COVID-19 pandemic alerts the international community about the increase in gaps in access to education, equity and quality. The research objective of this study was to describe the perception of public educational institutions from preschool to higher education in Colombia on the preparation to carry out remote academic activities. A descriptive study was used applying surveys to a sample of 265 participants. Statistical software (SPSS) was used for tabulation. Main results allowed to determine that 64.2% of participants spend more time responding to remote activities commitments with respect to the time spent in face-to-face activities, 27.2%, the time has been the same and 8.7%, the time spent has been less. It is concluded that there is no adequate preparation to carry out remote academic activities since an attempt has been made to transfer face-to-face academic activities to a learning environment completely mediated by ICT.