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Comparison of basic and advanced navigation skills of digital citizenship in the teaching-learning process of philosophy

Artículo original
Luz Otilia Giraldo Ramírez Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
Henry Gutiérrez Oquendo Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD

This article was approached in a general way in the basic concepts of citizenship, until reaching the digital citizenship on which we focus our research, more specifically in the teaching-learning process of philosophy. Likewise, through information from reliable sources, such as the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), we extracted data bases from the last 6 years, which allowed us to verify trends on the basic and advanced skills of the user in the use of the Internet; on the other hand, the Cybersecurity page allowed us to analyze the vulnerabilities suffered by the digital citizen when navigating in cyberspace.

Finally, we interpreted the results, and subsequently presented them coherently in tables and graphs in which a growth of basic navigation skills was evidenced, but which, when comparing data, revealed a very low level compared to the advanced skills that every citizen should have, with national, multilateral, post-national, multicultural or differentiated, cosmopolitan or global, gender and inclusion, youth, spatial or digital nationalities, in the process of education mediated by ICTs.