
How to Cite

Marulanda Cardona, V. F. (2011). Enhanced Engineering Teaching Through Computational Fluid Dynamics Software. Publicaciones E Investigación, 5(1), 161-168.
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Enhanced Engineering Teaching Through Computational Fluid Dynamics Software

Artículo teórico
Victor Fernando Marulanda Cardona Facultad de Ingeniería, programa de Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria, Universidad de La Salle

The chemical reaction engineering course, one of the cornerstones of chemical and even environmental engineering programs, has been taught through introductory courses that do not necessarily have into account non-ideal reactors concepts, which are the basis for the analysis of many real systems such as reservoirs and aerated lagoons. In this work, a strategy to enhance the reaction engineering teaching by means of computational fluid dynamics software is presented. The inclusion of such software tools allows introducing concepts of non-ideal reactors in a more friendly way, as velocity, concentration and temperature profiles in two dimensional geometries can be easily analyzed. At the same time, the model construction guarantees the establishment of connections with other engineering courses such as heat transfer and fluid dynamics, so that the software does not become a black box.