
How to Cite

Ramirez Robayo, E., & Olmos Riveros, L. B. . (2022). Difficulties in reading comprehension in sixth grade students of the Educational Institution of Denmark. Publicaciones E Investigación, 16(1).
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Difficulties in reading comprehension in sixth grade students of the Educational Institution of Denmark.

Estudio de casos
Elizabeth Ramirez Robayo Ingeniera de Sistemas Universidad de los Llanos
Luz Berta Olmos Riveros Licenciada en Literatura y Lengua Castellana Universidad Santo Tomás

This article gives the opportunity to disseminate the results obtained at the end of the implementation of the applied project called Difficulties in reading comprehension in sixth grade students of the Educational Institution of Denmark; Said project was carried out during the months of August, September and October 2016 in the municipality of Acacías - Meta, as a degree option of the Specialization in Pedagogy for Autonomous Learning, of the National Open and Distance University UNAD; The viability of the project is established by observing that students have serious reading problems, which does not allow them to understand and interpret what they read and which is reflected in the Saber and ICFES tests. A strategy is then sought to find the difficulties that prevent them from developing their reading comprehension and to be able to shed light to solve these inconveniences that affect learning and more so now that the student is desired to be autonomous, to be a responsible, dynamic and creative person. , builder of your knowledge.