Published 2022-06-23

The art of educating particulars Expanded Education inspired by emerging pedagogies

Laura Rodríguez Moscatel Universidad de Cuenca; Universidad de San Gregorio de Portoviejo

Every crisis entails an opportunity for innovation and change. As professors, in the face of this current crisis of confinement, specifically within the educational and the artistic field, we have come to rethink the artistic teaching didactics and methodologies to use drama strategies within the technological tools’ application. This article aims to present some reflections focused on education influenced by the emerging pedagogies and extended learning centered on experience and collaborative learning. Features such as education from the arts or learning focused on the experience and collaborative learning, which are part of the disruptive education set of actions, strategies, and methodologies, are included in the study and analysis concerning Art, Education, Technology and Pandemic. In short, this paper faces the challenge of transferring into virtual mode those crucial aspects of art education based on face-to-face performative and collaborative processes. Such transference, through the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) of the XXI century, among other means.

keywords: Emerging pedagogies, art education, transformation of teaching, TACs

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Moscatel, L. . (2022). The art of educating particulars Expanded Education inspired by emerging pedagogies: in search of autonomic experience and collaborative learning. Desbordes, 12(1), 116-136.
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