Art Network, Virtuality and research (AVI by its initials in Spanish):
This article of reflection raises one of the possible courses in the path of creation, consolidation and projection of the AVI network (Art, Virtuality and Research). Which, appears as a network of joint efforts between teachers and coordinators of virtual or distance art programs, with the support of entities in the field of production and artistic circulation. Trying on its way, not neglecting the formats and manners of meeting that its members consider characteristic of the artistic field, but still articulating the changing forms of production and legitimization posed by academic research and production entities at a higher level. Which means constantly wondering about the concept of artistic education or arts training in the university environment, and how they appear in it, moments of creation and artistic circulation, of Research-creation and work with different sectors of society. Especially, with the powers and particularities of the university modalities of distance and virtuality. Thus evidencing the complexity and richness of research and production in this field