Published 2020-04-07

Other territories / other exchanges: Other territories / other exchanges

Camila Duque Jamaica

This article reviews the community relations at plaza de hierbas del Samper Mendoza, in Bogotá. These dynamics of cooperation, dialogue and negotiation of space produce an Other Territory (territorios otros). Part of the understanding of this is given through the review of primary sources that indicated the origin of farmers markets in Bogotá, to continue with the creation of this space for trade of sweet, bitter and aromatic herbs in the capital of Colombia. At the end, a visual landscape of it is proposed based on structured exercises in walking dynamics that allows to identify the vestiges-marks in the territory that could shows the relations of a territory that was built beyond the economic exchanges and productive, suggesting the existence of Other Exchanges territory (intercambios otros).

keywords: exchanges, farmers markets, , plaza de hierbas Samper Mendoza, territories

Copyright (c) 2019 Desbordes

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to Cite
Duque Jamaica, C. (2020). Other territories / other exchanges: Other territories / other exchanges . Desbordes, 10(2), 48-65.
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