Published 2020-08-21

Identificación y análisis de los factores explicativos de la percepción de inseguridad en Colombia en 2016

Armando Miguel Buelvas Martinez Corporación Universitaria del Caribe

High levels of perception of insecurity can have negative effects on people’s well-being, such as making them feel isolated or vulnerable, avoid certain places, increase private investment in security and fragmenting their sense of community. On top of that, high levels of insecurity perception can, in turn, increase crime levels. In Colombia, the insecurity perception rate is almost four times higher than the rate of citizens affected by an
offence. Hence, the objective of this research is to identify the main explanatory factors of the perception of insecurity in the cities of Colombia, through a multiple regression model based on five theories of perception of insecurity and the information from the Survey of Coexistence and Citizen Security of 2016. The main results of the research show that the variables associated with the theories of social networks, victimization and uncivility are the ones with the higher explanatory power of the perception of insecurity in Colombia.

keywords: perception of insecurity, fear of crime, incivility, victimization, social network, Colombia

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How to Cite
Buelvas Martinez, A. M. (2020). Identificación y análisis de los factores explicativos de la percepción de inseguridad en Colombia en 2016. Análisis Jurídico Político, 2(3), 229-256.
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