The productivity and methane emission estimation in dairy cows on pasture supplemented with potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Contextualization: Cattle feeding systems should focus on increasing productivity, generating the smallest possible environmental footprint on ecosystems. In the high tropic livestock systems of the department of Santander, Colombia, the use of rejected potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in animal feed could be a route for the sustainable valorization of this product.
Knowledge gap: Some studies have shown the positive effects of potato supplementation on cow milk production. However, studies on the effect of supplementation with waste potato on milk production and composition are scarce, as well as its effect on methane (CH4) production in dairy cows.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of supplementation with Unica potato variety on milk production, milk composition, and estimated CH4 production by dairy cows on pasture.
Methodology: 12 Normande cows with an average initial body weight of 460kg were used. A completely randomized design with two treatments and six replicates was used: Control (no supplementation) and supplemented (supplementation with 6kg of potato per animal/day); this amount was established considering it to guarantee 20% TDN and 7% crude protein. Statistical procedures were performed using the GLM procedure of SAS. Statistical significance was considered when p≤0.05.
Results and conclusions: Supplementation with 6kg of potato increased milk production (PL for its Spanish acronym) (PL kg/day) and PLCG (for its Spanish acronym meaning general milk production) 4% (p<0.05) of the animals. However, supplementation did not affect (p>0.10) the milk fat, protein, total solids, and MUN concentration. Finally, the production of CH4 in g/kg of milk decreased (p<0.05) by supplementation with potato. In conclusion, supplementation with 6kg of potato improves milk production. Furthermore, it does not affect the milk composition of cows on pasture. The supplementation with potato reduces the CH4 production in g/kg of milk produced by the animals.
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