
How to Cite

Fabila Martínez, L., Adame Martínez, S., & Serrato Cuevas, R. (2013). Effect of the diatomaceous earth in the soil chemical properties in corn crops (Zea mays L.). Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 4(2), 13-26.
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Effect of the diatomaceous earth in the soil chemical properties in corn crops (Zea mays L.)

Artículos de Investigación
Lucia Fabila Martínez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México.
Salvador Adame Martínez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México.
Rodolfo Serrato Cuevas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México.

This study was developed out of the need to provide products and services intended for the field that meet the nutritional needs of plants without implicating environmental damage by means of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. The study assessed the fertilizer effect of two diatomaceous earth and a liquid fertilizer to corroborate empirical evidence of several producers who used a commercial product based on the study`s materials and achieved higher levels of performance in different crops. A sample of the experimental area was carried out before establishing the crop after its completion. Two commercial diatomaceous earth identified as 289 and 400 P produced by International Celite, were assessed at two concentrations 20 kg ha-1 and 40 kg ha-1 and 18 kg ha-1 and 36 kg ha-1 res­pectively, and a organic liquid fertilizer (FOL) at doses of 2 L ha-1 and 4 L ha-1 was considered as control soil sample taken before the application of treatments. The experimental design used in the field for the application of the treatments was randomized complete block (DBA) with 5 repetitions. The test plant was the corn hybrid HC8. The variables evaluated in the soil throudgh laboratory analysis were: physical properties of texture and bulk density (BD), and chemical pH, organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM), electrical conductivity (EC), cation exchange capacity (CIC), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na). The results were analyzed under a ANOVA and Tukey test for comparison of means for treatment, using the JMP statistical package. Laboratory results indicated that the­re were changes in the chemical characteristics of the soil between the control and treatments in the majority of the chemical characteristics analyzed (pH, CO, MO, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na). However statistically and under a statistical significance of 5%, differences were only observed in the properties of CO, MO, CE, N, K and Na.  

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