Copyright (c) 2009 Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental

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When RIAA receives the postulation of an original by its author, either through email or post mail, considers that it can be published in physical and/or electronic format and facilitates its inclusion in databases, newspaper archives and other systems and indexing process. RIAA authorizes the reproduction and citation of the Journal’s material, provided that explicitly indicates journal name, the authors, the article title, volume, number and pages. The ideas and concepts expressed in the articles are responsibility of the authors and in no case reflect the institutional policies of the UNAD.
Lipid oxidation in the aquaculture production chain
Aquaculture industry has sustained its development on the use of products obtained from marine fish species. Main industrial products in this field are both the flour and fish oil, which have a high nutritional and economic value. Fish oil has been found to be a scarce raw material, which has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA n-3) and has been classified as a functional food because of the benefits they bring on the consumer’s health. Paradoxically, high PUFA n-3 content makes the fish oil highly susceptible to the autooxidation processes that lead to the transformation of PUFA N-3 in peroxides, aldehydes, ketones and polymers that are responsible for oxidative cell damage. In this document we explore the processes in which primary and secondary products are generated through oxidation, and the protection mechanisms against oxidative damage and the negative effect of primary and secondary products of lipid autoxidation on nutritional quality of balanced feeds, fish health and quality of meat products for human consumption.
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When RIAA receives the postulation of an original by its author, either through email or post mail, considers that it can be published in physical and/or electronic format and facilitates its inclusion in databases, newspaper archives and other systems and indexing process. RIAA authorizes the reproduction and citation of the Journal’s material, provided that explicitly indicates journal name, the authors, the article title, volume, number and pages. The ideas and concepts expressed in the articles are responsibility of the authors and in no case reflect the institutional policies of the UNAD.