Colchicine as an inducer of morphological and stomatal changes in Kalanchoe × laetivirens Desc.
Contextualization: One of the strategies used in plant breeding with medicinal plants is the artificial induction of polyploidy.
Knowledge gap: The lack of information on the specific effects of polyploidy in Kalanchoe × laetivirens Desc. and how these directly affect the production of medicinal compounds or other characteristics relevant to their medicinal use.
Purpose: The impact of various doses of colchicine on leaf morphology and stomatal structure of Kalanchoe × laetivirens was evaluated.
Methodology: Colchicine solutions were applied to plants for 12 hours (0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1% w/v) and anatomical parameters (number of leaves, height, length and leaf width) were evaluated for 10 weeks. The size, density and number of chloroplasts per stomata of one plant per treatment were analyzed.
Results and conclusions: Higher colchicine concentrations induced a relevant increase in leaf height, number and width. A dose-response relationship was observed in morphological improvements. Colchicine-treated plants showed larger stomata, higher stomatal density and an increase in the number of chloroplasts per stomata compared to the control. The results suggest an association between ploidy level and stomatal characteristics, with possible implications for plant physiology. Further studies are needed to understand the long-term effects of colchicine and to evaluate possible adverse effects. Induction of polyploidy with colchicine in Kalanchoe × laetivirens is a promising technique for improving leaf morphology and stomatal characteristics, with potential for applications in research and agriculture.
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