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When RIAA receives the postulation of an original by its author, either through email or post mail, considers that it can be published in physical and/or electronic format and facilitates its inclusion in databases, newspaper archives and other systems and indexing process. RIAA authorizes the reproduction and citation of the Journal’s material, provided that explicitly indicates journal name, the authors, the article title, volume, number and pages. The ideas and concepts expressed in the articles are responsibility of the authors and in no case reflect the institutional policies of the UNAD.
Soil acidity limits agricultural production: a review focused on the colombian amazon
Contextualization: acidic tropical soils are characterized by low pH, high concentrations of aluminum and low nutrient availability, which limits root development and crop production. The soils of the Colombian Amazon, where Oxisols and Ultisols predominate, are part of this group of acidic soils with low natural fertility.
Knowledge gap: the behavior of plants that grow in acidic soils has occupied the interest of researchers around the world, but there is a lack of updated and freely accessible information that allows us to sufficiently understand the nature of these soils, as well as the morphological, physiological, and biochemical adaptation strategies of crops of agricultural importance developed in the acidic soils of the Colombian Amazon.
Purpose: present a synthesis of the latest scientific advances related to acidic soils, the relationship of acidity with nutrient availability and the toxic effects of aluminum, as well as the adaptation mechanisms developed by plants. This review also addresses in a special way the effects of soil acidity on eight crops of agricultural importance for producers in the Colombian Amazon.
Methodology: a search was carried out for free access articles published in four Web databases between 2020 and 2023, on the forms of aluminum in the soil, its relationship with nutrient availability, toxic effects, tolerance mechanisms of the plant and some acid soil management practices.
Results and conclusions: this study provides important elements that help improve the understanding of acidic soils and proposes future scenarios to guide knowledge management on the management of acidic soils and agricultural crops in the Colombian Amazon.
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