Copyright (c) 2022 Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
When RIAA receives the postulation of an original by its author, either through email or post mail, considers that it can be published in physical and/or electronic format and facilitates its inclusion in databases, newspaper archives and other systems and indexing process. RIAA authorizes the reproduction and citation of the Journal’s material, provided that explicitly indicates journal name, the authors, the article title, volume, number and pages. The ideas and concepts expressed in the articles are responsibility of the authors and in no case reflect the institutional policies of the UNAD.
Supply of surface water in “El Gallinazo” wetland, located on Aguachica-Colombia
Results and conclusions: The area has two types of vegetation cover, three hydrological soil groups and an average NC of 59.29, demonstrating a moderately high runoff potential and a moderate infiltration capacity; the available annual water supply was 42573.6 m3. The behavior of water availability depends on anthropic activities inside and outside the wetland as well as on the precipitation regime.
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