Published 2021-12-21
Área Agrícola

Characterization and typification of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims) production systems, in Tolima northern and central-western regions

Eleonora Rodriguez Polanco Corporación Colombiana De Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA
Paula Bermeo Corporación Colombiana De Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA
José Segura-Amaya Corporación Colombiana De Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA
Edinson Parra-Alferes Corporación Colombiana De Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA

Contextualization: The highest demand in the international market is exhibited by purple passion fruit, known as gulupa, which is the third most exported fruit in Colombia. Tolima department had increased 61% of gulupa crop area from 2015 to 2019, which demonstrates progressive economic importance of the crop in the zone.

Knowledge gap: However, characterization and typification farm assessments are not evidenced, that limits an adequate orientation of public investment, research, and technology transfer policies.

Purpose: Furthermore, to know the productive, technological, and health aspects associated to cultivation in the main producing municipalities of Tolima department was the aim of this study. 

Methodology: Thus, a structured survey was designed and applied to capture farm information. The characterization of the producers was carried out by multivariate analysis, using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Clustering was realized through cluster analysis, using the Euclidean distance and Ward's method.

Results and conclusions: Overall, a low-high technological level associated with gulupa production in Tolima was revealed. Two groups of producers were identified. group I (GI) clustered producers located mainly in Cajamarca and Casabianca with a high technological level and employing good agricultural practices (GAP). Farmers located mainly in Santa Isabel and Rovira with a low technological level and poor use of BPA were arranged in group II (GII). The use of an irrigation system and plastic cover were identified as modern technological practices of gulupa crop in Tolima. Incidence levels (between 4 to 59 %) of vascular wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) in the main producing municipalities were observed, establishing potential sanitary limitation for gulupa agribusiness sustainability in Tolima over time. 

keywords: Cluster analysis, Passiflora edulis Sims f. edulis, principal component analysis, farm typology
How to Cite
Rodriguez Polanco, E., Bermeo, . P., Segura-Amaya, J., & Parra-Alferes, . E. (2021). Characterization and typification of purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims) production systems, in Tolima northern and central-western regions. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 13(1), 89-107.
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